As your baby is 6 months old, complimentary foods must be started other than milk. Cow's milk contains high quantity of
proteins that are difficult to digest. Indications of
constipation in an infant are straining at stools, and passage of hard pellet like stools, firm belly, and refusing to eat. If you notice streaks of bright red blood on your child’s stool, it’s likely a sign that your child is pushing very hard to have a bowel movement.
Pushing and straining or passing a hard stool may cause tiny tears around the anal walls, which can result in blood in the stool. Treatment options are changing from cow's milk to buffalo's milk, solid foods with high fiber like broccoli, pears, prunes, peaches, and skinless apples. These can be given in a pureed form if your child is not accustomed to solid foods.
This will help in softening of stools. Proper hydration is essential for
regular bowel movements. Water and milk are great for keeping your baby hydrated. For babies over 6 months, occasional prune or pear juice may help speed up your child’s
colon contractions, which may help your baby produce a bowel movement more quickly. Encourage exercise that is movements without sitting at one place.
Gentle stomach and lower-abdomen massages may stimulate the bowels to pass a bowel movement. Do several massages throughout the day, until your child has a bowel movement. Even if the above measures fail to show improvement, you may
consult a pediatrician for medical therapy.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Pallavi M., Anesthesiologist