Hi, I have ulcerative colitiis..it may be related to what I m experiencing, not sure... 1) three weeks ago, was sick with cold and achy and tired,doc gave me zpac 2) 2 weeks later ,feeling worse, cough, fever and he said he heard crackling in chest,so he thought I had pneumonia, and gave me leviquin (no xray done) 3) 2 weeks later, feel bad with sore throat, buning eyes, and tired and doc gave another round of Levinquin 4) 2 weeks later, feel tired, extremely achy joints, burning eyes... am afraid, I am so tired, is ithis related to colitis? pneumonia? another underlyning infection? Thanks! Im 53 yr old women with colitis for 10 yrs. thats been manageable, taking lialda but i ve run out for the last 3 weeks. NO symptoms with colits now.