I am on home peritoneal dialysis and am getting bad cramping & bloating. For 2 days it was so bad couldn t even lift my leg to get into car. History scarlet fever age 7, German measles, chickenpox, impetigo Numerous strep throats, mono in hi school , Epstein Barr collage, Breast can age 55 dbl mastectomy: tried trans flap took staples out of stomach & opened up like grand canyon: wound care pull & snip pull & snip. Husband did 3 additional would care at home. Hard to find veins Central line after 27 pokes enuf already. Also 2 knee and 2 hip replacements laser surgery both eyes. Cataract surgery both eyes Reason i had central line was they couldn t get a vein: 27 times was enuf!! HARD STIK!!!! Now back to the bloating & gas. What can I do? Thanks 4 letting me vent! What a crock of shit. $ should b upfront. I feel like I ve been had. So not noooo but hell noooo! !!!!!!!!!!! ,,