I m a 48year old female, 130lbs, 5 0 petite frame, that work out regularly and do not eat salt or sugar in my diet. I have had healthy both physical and OB exams continuously. However, out of the blue this past Tuesday I noticed foot, leg, arm and neck cramping on the left side followed by numbness. I went for a wellness exam on Wed only to be told that all results are good with the exception of my triglycerides which tested at 189; and should be lower to about 150. I was told that the cramping and numbness could indicate a deficiency of many things but without a blood and urine analysis its impossible to speculate. Well we grab a urinalysis reagent test strip only to discover an indication of microscopic blood in the urine. Now I m online to try and find a lab to perform a urine test so that I can rule out kidney stones . Am I approaching this correctly? I do have insurance so I will need to pay out of pocket to figure out what is suddenly going on with my body.