I had unprotected sex on the 31st July and took an emergency contraceptive (norlevo) within 12 hours afterwards. I got what I thought was my period on 5th August (which was around the expected time of my cycle), but it was fairly light and a brown/almost black colour, as well as a dark black jelly-like part of blood. this lasted few hours and then completely stopped. the next day, 6th August, I got my period which lasted 8 days and finished on 14th August, which seemed pretty normal in amount of blood but the colour was more brownish this time which is a bit unusual for me. continuing from 15th August up to and including today I have had a brown discharge, which is only really light and not constant. is this normal.? I m not sure if I should be concerned or if I need to/should take a pregnancy test.? are these just effects on my cycle from taking norlevo.?