My 3½ yr. old daughter is on day six of illness. First, she had a fever of 40-40.5 for three days straight. It was non-responsive to acetaminophen. She had enough water and fluids and urinated frequently. Our doctor said to be sure that there was no respiratory involvement, and that she d be fine. On day 5, she developed a dark red-brown rash under her eyes. It s more of a solid blotch. There are some other areas, on her face, that are non-raised and blanchable, small reddish circular. They seem to fade and move a bit. But the area under her eyes is constant and deeper in colour. She has been developing a persistent dry cough and has remained anorexic. She s been running low-grade fevers and remains lethargic. Should I be more concerned... or is this just a rash following high fever? Our Dr. hasn t seen her, as this has been a busy influenza season.