I had an episode a couple days ago where I felt like I was remembering a dream. After a couple of seconds, I was fully immersed in this memory/dream. I was aware it was happening, but couldn t pull myself out of it. It lasted for a minute or two, and when I came back, I was nauseous. The whole episode was very intense. Right before the episode, I felt tingling at the base of my skull. After it was over, I couldn t remember anything about the memory/dream, just that it had happened. This isn t the first time this has happened. I ve been having these episodes since 2011 (when I was 20). There s always some degree of familiarity to the dreams. Kinda like deja vu. I am completely awake when they happen (they ve happened while taking a shower, cooking, walking on my college campus, etc). The one Friday night was the worst I ve ever had. I saw my GP for them in 2011, and he wrote me off. My grandmother had epilepsy and narcolepsy.