Hallow Dear,
I do empathize your problem.
A pregnant uterus of 9 months would have completely filled the abdomen and you would have felt the foetal movements 20 weeks onwards. Even your so many
pregnancy tests are negative. So let us rule out the possibility of pregnancy; though I feel
ultrasonography would have been a better tool to clinch the diagnosis.
Ultrasonography would help us to find out the status of your ovaries, whether they are Polycystic (PCOS), whether you have any infection of the uterine lining like
tuberculosis, and so many other conditions also.
Considering your high BMI, the chances of
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are quite high. You may get your blood checked for FSH, LH,
Prolactin, Oestrogen and
Progesterone. Also, please get your
Thyroid function tests (T3, T4, TSH) performed on your blood. If needed further investigations may be suggested.
I would advise you initially to take some Progesterone preparation like Tablets Deviry for 5 days. After discontinuing the pills, you should get your menses within 4-7 days (if amenorrhoea is due to hormonal imbalance).
I sincerely feel, ultrasonography may throw some light on your mysterious delay in menses.
Please keep in touch (may be by asking me a Direct question) after the suggested steps and investigations.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri