My period is a week late and I m going crazy, wondering if I m pregnant. I m 44 years-old. My cycle is usually very, very regular at 24 days. My last period was on April 9th. My partner and I did not use any kind of protection and we were having regular sex throughout the month. I ve taken many home pregnancy tests, but they re all negative. I don t believe them because I think it s too early for them to be accurate. Also, my breasts are extremely sore and I ve developed small nodules on my nipples. I m extremely tired, all of a sudden, and my appetite has increased. My sense of smell seems to be heightened. I was told I m perimenopasual, but I don t have hot flashes or vaginal dryness. I ve had 3 previous children, and this feel like a pregnancy. What are the chances that I am pregnant and what are my odds of carrying a child to full-term at my age?