Hi...i am binu...i am 24 years old...here i come to tell you that my pregnancy problem...my symptom is that rotating head, nausea,breast swollen, backache,morning sickness, feeling so weak.in january 8 was my last period. i have over a period of 3 days per month..i have always been regular period...but in january my period have over of 2 days. january 8 to january 9. in this month i have missed period..so today i have pregnancy test but my result is negative.and i am a healthy woman and my period have been regular in 12 months. however i have taken birth pil but irregular..but my symptom make me confused that i am pregnant or not. but my pregnancy test result is negative..and today i was test in hospital and my result was 1.00mlu. and also my ovaries give me signal. so i don t understand i am pregnant or not..