I am a PCOS patient. I had my last period on 13 April. Around 24 April, i was with a guy. We didnt have sex. I gave him an oral, and he came inside my mouth, which i swallowed. Whatever was left was almost wiped off with a tissue. After about 5 minute of that, during which he touched my clothes, and the surface of a water bottle, he touched my vaginal lips. He didnt finger me, and he didnt even go towards the entrance, he just touched my lips. It is 19 May now, and I have been having brown discharge since yesterday. I read online that it can mean implantation bleeding. How worried do I need to be? Also, I take homeopathy for my pcos treatment, not hormonal birth control. My periods have never really been on time, but this time the brown discharge is troubling me. Please answer if I could be pregnant?