I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
Yes intake of I pill can cause delayed periods, It is a common side effect due to high dose of
levonorgestrel in the pill, which disrupts your normal menstrual cycles. Therefore your periods are delayed most probably & they might be delayed or 1-2 cycles. Chances of pregnancy are less after intake of Ipill.
Actually I-pill is an emergency pill which prevents pregnancy by inhibiting
implantation of fertilized egg on the uterus. It is 95% successful if taken within 24 hours of having sex. It is 70% successful if taken 24-72 hours of sexual intercourse.
Use condom or regular
contraceptive pill as method of
contraception in future. Regular taking emergency contraceptive pills can cause problems like
irregular periods, ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome & even infertility.
If your periods gets delayed by more than 2 weeks, you should also do a pregnancy test to rule-out pregnancy possibility
Refer to a gynaecologist
Hope this information helps