period problem
The last day of my period, was May 25th, the week of June 3, I had spotting for a day or so, I thought I was close to ovulating. Then the following week, June 10 would have been the week.before my period, so when I cramped all week, I didn't think anything out of the ordinary but the cramps were different in intensity. The week of the 17th, I would have normally started my period but it never showed. I thought about the month before and oddly it showed up a week late. So, now its the 28th and still no period. Tuesday I did a hpt and it was neg. Ive been nauseated since the week with horrible cramps. The last two weeks, I've been getting progressively moodier. In the last week, I've noticed my breasts being heavier and more sensitive. I started checking my cervix, most of the last 2 weeks its been low soft and open. But about 6 days ago it went hard, high, and closed. If my test the other day was neg, where is Aunt Flo? Shes confusing me...