Hello dear
I understand your concern
Gestapro kit should be used under the observation of the gynecologist after confirming the intrauterine
pregnancy by USG scan.
Generally bleeding will occur within 30-45 minutes of taking pill.
But sometime in ectopic pregnancy, inadequate does and improper application cause absence of bleeding.
If bleeding will not start in the next 24 hour, then consult the gynecologist and undergo vaginal examination and USG scan to know the status of the pregnancy.
Abortion can be induced by the extra dose of
misoprostol (extra 800 ug misoprostol at interval of the 6 hour ) under the observation of gynecologist.
If drugs will fail then suction evacuation is required to abort the pregnancy.
USG should be done after the 14 days to confirm the completeness of the abortion process.
Take proper rest, healthy diet with
iron supplements and maintain proper pelvic hygiene.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar