My 16-year-old grandson is having unusual symptoms that are frightening and worrying both of us. He is having episodes of unreality, at which time, the top of his head feels very hot and heavy. Sometimes this is accompanied by a headache. He had seizures as a baby and we believe he has had some petite seizures in the last year. His biological maternal grandmother, my sister, died of aneurysms and brain hemorrhaging at age 27, and I raised her 3-year-old daughter, who is now 38-years-old. My sister had surgery when she was 3 and they removed at least a quarter of her brain, but we didn t know until she was 25 - the doctors lied. A few months after that surgery, she started having grand maul seizures and had them for the rest of her life. Because of her medical condition, her pregnancy was difficult as she had to continue to take many medications while she was pregnant, which affected her child (my grandson’s mom) with symptoms such as ADD, and many other mental and general life difficulties. My grandson s paternal grandmother has petite maul seizures also. My grandson had never been examined and has never had a full medical checkup, as his mother is VERY low income and he doesn t currently have insurance coverage. We are EXTREMELY worried about this, and the worry is not helping the situation. He’s very anxious and panicing. Please help.