I took my 2 y/o daughter to the dermatologist today for an ongoing diaper rash that would not heal with silvadene ointment. She is going on 6 weeks with this rash which popped up a few days after an episode of diarrhea (related to teething and starting Zyrtec under doctor s orders). Her past history includes another horrible episode of diaper rash that extended from April of last year until August. We went through silvadene, nystatin, ketoconizole, mupirocin, and hydrocortisone. She finally was cultured for staph and that s when the mupirocin was given as well as an oral antibiotic. Keeping that history in mind: my husband and I both have genital herpes (neither one of us have ever had cold sores). She was born via c-section at 32 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia. I include that history because today the dermatologist took one look and said it looked viral and she wanted to say it was herpes. We won t find out until Monday what the results say. I m devastated at the thought that this has contracted this from us so that brought me here. So I ask, how could she have contracted this from us? And for this to have lasted 6 weeks... I just don t understand how this could possibly have happened.