Welcome to HCM.
I have read your query and can understand your concern about ALT/AST.
Here your ALT (47) and AST (82) will be considered as a clinically normal despite they are marginally elevated (depending upon the lab variations) here and it would have no clinical significance in an otherwise healthy individual.
liver functions tests have nothing to do with
lovastatin and lovastatin never causes even slight elevation of liver enzymes.
I would not be personally worried about it, since ALT and AST are highly sensitive liver function tests and might get easily elevated even with fatty meal or even mild alcohol intake.
The other causes of SGPT rise could be use of pain killers (NSAIDs),use of various types of non herbal health supplements,obesity and heavy exercises or some
autoimmune disease or liver disorders like
hepatitis B or C but they are very unlikely in your case.
So,there is no need to bother about your liver sickness.so there is no question of it the reason behind
Diarrhea could be due to hyper motility of intestine for which you may take probiotics (lactic acid bacillus) and plenty of water with fruit juices and it will help to control diarrhea quickly.
So, do not worry about it and possibly avoid fatty/junk/oily foods further.
However,you can repeat the test for SGPT after 3 to 4 weeks on fasting blood sample and most probably it will come within normal limits.
Meanwhile,you may take tab.Udilive 300 mg twice daily which is a
bile acid, a substance naturally produced by the body and does not have any side effects.
Consult your treating physician for further advise.
Hope this helps.
Dr.Sandip kabra