I have had diarrhea for over 2 months, yellow and sometimes fatty or with pus. It would burn my anus terribly. Well now after starting metamucil and a higher fiber diet including brown and wild rice as well as a daily yogurt intake and calcium with vitamin D I am getting some form back to my stool. But Now I feel after all that burning diarrhea for so long I have developed bleeding hemorrhoids. So I am having a more formed stool, still softer than when I was normal though and I find that I am not able to eliminate it all from my rectum due to the swelling of the hemorrhoids. Will I ever get back to normal? I am 41, 151 lbs, and see an internist and a rheumatologist and have suspected Lupus. I am putting off seeing a GI doc even though my internist gave me a referral because there is just so much going on in my family now ( They all have doctors appointments that I go with them to.) and I am just tired of seeing doctors. Can I treat the hemorrhoids problem at home for now? Is there a chance it could get better with a proper diet high in fiber, and avoiding the things that irritate the GI tract as well as exercise?