This all started about 3 weeks ago, I had a sublocation in my shoulder. I went to the doctor and about 2 days later had diarrhea. I thought it was from my lunch, but it continued. About a week later I was rear ended and had pretty bad muscle strain. I saw my doctor and mentiones my stomach issues, and she said it was lactose. However ive been lactose free for a week and still have diarrhea. I see the chiropractor 3 times a week for my back, are the two related? (By diarrhea it is soft stools, with odor, a yellowish color, sometimes just small amounts or fairly thin. Usually lasts for 3 hours with about 2-6 bathroom trips. It is accompained with nausea, lethargy, weakness and a persistanr urge to go whenever I m in a seated position.) What could this be?