Thank you. I m a 74 year old man. Up to a couple of years ago, I d always had good heart health. Low BP, low cholesterol, LDL, good blood sugar, etc. Always a low pulse rate. Because of 3 bulging discs, and a nerve that became entangled in scar tissue during a routine hernia operation, server pain developed about 6 years ago. With help of a terrific pain clinic, I ve gotten much better. However, along the way my BP and heart went so low that I d faint. Dr s & I figured it was mix of percecet and Flomax (I had a enlarged prostate) that cause the drop. My heart rate got down to 38 - 44. I wore a holter monitor. No significant findings. That was 2 years back. The problem seemed to resolve but, this January I was hiking and rushed to the ER with what Dixie Med Ctr thought be a TIA. Back in Salt Lake, I had two more episodes, where I fainted and was taken to ER. MRI, CT, blood, etc show nothing of concern. Still I periodically see heart rate of 48. In May I had a heart monitor attached for a month. Neurologist was no sign of TIA. Cardiologist was no serious problem in the tracing, but because of my description of what has been happening and the low heart and occasional syncope was concerned about Pace Maker or other electrical aspects and wants to implant a loop monitor. I plan to have that done. SORRY, I HAD TO GIVE YOU BACK GROUND FOR MY QUESTION. Now, more recently I can t do a hike. I m not out of breathe or breathing hard, but it is like I m pushing my legs through water up to my hips. As I go up as moderate slope, this happens and it get more and more difficult to move. I m not faint or dizzy and this morning I bound up the stairs to my 2nd floor condo w/o problem. Can this experience be related to heart problem. AT Library they re closing. Send to YYYY@YYYY Thanks, Keith Johnson