Hallo Dear,
The main reason for
lactation failure is faulty technique.
breastfeeding, you should not give only nipple to the baby to suck. Baby's lips should rest around the
areola and nipple with areole should enter baby's mouth. Thus the baby roles the tongue under the nipple with pressure on areole.
This way baby gets milk without getting fatigued. By sucking the nipples only, the milk flow is only by baby's suction and the baby gets fatigued. this leads to incomplete emptying of the breasts. Emptier the breasts, more the milk is formed.
After baby is fed on one side, should be held vertically on mothers shoulders to burp so that the trapped air gets expelled and the baby drinks more milk.
Your history suggests that you do not have problem in producing the milk. It seems the faulty technique of suckling is causing the problem.
After feeding the baby, if any milk is left behind, it should be squeezed out to empty the breasts. The expressed milk may be preserved or you may drink it.
Arrowroot powder helps more milk secretion, does not disfigure the breasts after breastfeeding and even takes care of falling hair also.
I hope this helps you in brestfeedin your baby