Thanks for posting on HCM
Difficulty swallowing are caused by problems with the oesophagus or the
oropharynx.These problems may include: infections, strictures, tumours, spasms, gastroesophageal reflux, neurological disorders, just to name a few.Hyper or
hypothyroidism may not affect swallowing and are always revealed by other symptoms.Thyroid problems that may affect swallowing could be a thyroid tumour that compresses on the oesophagus.
There are just so many possible causes and only a good history of the problem and physical examination of your throat by a Doctor with some work-ups if need be may help to identify the cause .
Treatment of swallowing difficulty however depends on the cause and may include medications, special
liquid diet, oesophageal dilatation, surgery or tube feeding.
Some home bases remedies may however help you to feel better:taking smaller and more frequent meals, trying food of different texture and take more of the ones you feel more comfortable swallowing, avoiding alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.
Hope my answer will help you
Wish you a speedy recovery