Hi, for the last year and a half I ve had difficulty swallowing some days. Most days, but not all. Everyone I go to the Dr they say it s just anxiety but someone s I feel like it s something more and when I insist getting additional tests they say its just anxiety. Also along with this is I get tingly in my hands arms legs and feet, my boyfriend who s a dialysis technician said is a sign of low blood pressure but when they check that too, say all is fine. For 2 years I was having extremely bad anxiety attacks to the point I could leave my house. I was prescribed zoloft and Xanax but after 1 month I felt the same as when I started them so I speed taking them(this was October last year ) and haven t had a bad attack since . Just the coving on food and not being able to swallow. There is no pain associated with my swallowing. Also, I do have very large tonsils that years ago my pediatrician said they wanted to remove but changed their mind. I m thinking maybe now they are what may be the cause of my problem? ?