Hello dear,
Thank you for your contact to health care magic.
I read and understand your concern.
I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.
Your problem is seems to be of
motion sickness.
Motion sickness can cause nauseous feeling when you are in fast motion.
As you are also patient of
migraine you will be more sensitive to the motion sickness.
Motion sickness can be relieved by taking the drug
promethazine. This is available under various names. Please consult your doctor before taking the drug.
For the prevention purpose you can take the motion slowly.
If you feel much nauseous you can close the eye for some times. Once you close the eyes your
vomiting will go immediately.
Please do not leave the stomach empty when you are in motion. Empty stomach can cause much motion sickness than a filled one.
I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.
Thank you,
Dr Arun Tank
Infectious diseases specialist,