Hi, i have recently developed a possible unknown pelvic infection according to my doc. But is it possible it is a sti? And where would it come from? Only ever been with one partner (my fiancee) , for one year, and to my knowledge he is very clean. Sometimes a vibrator is used (but not inside) could that cause this? My doc said i was clean inside and looked good other then a small discharge from cervix but no odor irtitation, discoloration. . No itching, irritation, discomfort from vagina. No issues peeing (other then often) Only dizzy spells, hot flashes/heat sensitive, continuous nausea, and tenderness in pelvis/lower abdomen, and occational cramps. This had been going for a month before seeing my doc. He said no cysts, and doesnt think im pregnant even though i started 11 days early and spotted/light flow/more spotting for 4-5 days. (Normal heavy bleeder Never have started early, never spotted since i started when i was 12 and im 24 now.)