Thank you for your query.
Would you please clarify a few things for me?
1) does it only itch on your hands and feet or all over? is it intense?
2)are the whites of your eye yellow? or your urine highly colored?
3) are you on any supplements that contain an orange/ yellow coloring agent ?
4) do you have nausea, vomiting, headaches, visual disturbances?
5) is this your first pregnancy? have you had any complication in your previous pregnancies ( if present)?
6) have you had any complication in the current pregnancy? are you RHnegative or positive( your Rhesus factor is part of the blood group analysis, for instance, B positive)
HELLP syndrome,
OBSTETRIC CHOLESTASIS occurs usually in the third trimester of pregnancy and is associated with
high blood pressure and / or protein in the urine.
It involves
liver failure and damage that can be life threatening for you and your baby.
hypercarotenemia ( excess intake of foods that contain beta- carotene such as carrots, oranges, spinach, sweet potatoes) can cause this discoloration and is reversible once you reduce intake.
I recommend you see your
OBGYN asap and get it checked out. Timely intervention can prevent complications.
in the meantime, if you have any giddiness,
blurred vision, new sever headaches, frothy urine,
chest discomfort, breathing difficulty, pain on deep inspiration, swelling of your face, legs, arms, GO TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY.
I don't mean to scare you . It is always better to be safe , especially when there is so much at stake.
Hope this helps.
please get back to us if you need any further clarification. wish you and your baby good health