Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of distention of stomach, unable to pass gas in spite Gas-X, very soft stools daily, and stomach makes strange noises. This makes it uncomfortable, can barely eat, clothes do not fit well. All this going on for months, MRI was not possible in spite of injection to slow the bowel movements, wants to know whether this be a
gall bladder issue or of
pancreas, or IBS...
The cause of such ongoing distension not responding to Gas-x can be due to the following reasons:
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
Anxiety and/or stress.
Aerated drinks.
Intolerance to certain foods and beverages.
Specific diseases like
tuberculosis or so.
I would advise you the following:
Tests of stool for three consecutive days.
Blood: CBC,
Thyroid, liver and kidney functions as such derangement can also be the cause.
X-ray of the abdomen,
ultrasonography, CT scan of the whole abdomen.
All these tests will help to confirm or rule out the specific causes, if found will be treated according to the diagnosis.
If all the tests are normal, this can be taken as due to IBS and treated accordingly wherein control of stress and/or anxiety plays a very important role.