Hello dear user:
Thank you for asking on HCM!
You had lobectomy of thyroid gland on 12-18-2012.
Can you tell me please when you strat to feel dizzznes?
I mean how long after the operation?
Are you taking therapy for thyroid ?
Did you have vommiting?
After operation until now may I know please the blood hormone level?
TSH Level
Iam telling you that are some endocrine diseases which cause
Thyroid disease :Abdnormalities of the thyroid may also cause dizziness as :
Hyperthyroidism(too much thyroid hormone) may cause
palpitation, short of breath (that you feel) and lighttheadednness.
Hypothyroidism(too little thyroid hormone)may cause low blood pressure and a decreased
heart rate, weakness.
Also are and two other pathology that causes dizziness:
Diabetes So you must t o check
blood test for Glucose test
Addison:s disease :occurs when the
adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol you must to check the cortizol leven on 8 oclock in morning.
Before that my advise is:To check you problem with ororinolog to see if these vertigo may be is caused by a problem in the balance centers of the inner ear called the
vestibular system.
If haven’t Meniere”s Disease your dizznes have endocrine problems
So please you must to check
• Thyroid hormone level ,T4,T3 Tg
• Cortizol level
• Glucoze test
.My advise is take opoinion by Endocrinologiest and otorinilarinolog .
Hope i was helfull,Please ask me for fouther information
Best regards
Klodiana poshi