Hello, my name is Victoria. I am gonna be 18 years old in one month, I am a female. I have sexual contact so there may be a chance I could be pregnant. But for years I have had on and off (but always on me) bruises on my legs no where else. There could be 25 there could be 7. I tried iron pills, for a day and I thought there wa s a change but I m not sure. Also for years I have had bad cramps all throughout my life. Without even bring on my period. I feel dizzy and I ll eat candy and feel fine. I have cramps so bad I ll cry, because of the pain. I know that I have acid reflux and use to take meds, but I stopped. I m scared to go to the doctors, please help me. I also have aniexty and depression very bad and stopped taking the meds. Only one thing helps all my pain now.