Hi, I have a pre-existing heart condition of postural tachycardia syndrome. I had an episode yesterday for the first time in years in which I worked out for too long and the second I laid down I got completely disoriented and lightheaded, even when I sat back up (slowly) I then had to rush to the front desk of where I was to alert them. I was about to fall over. Police and medics came and my vitals were normal. I got more dizzy laying down so I sat upright for awhile. I was shaky, disoriented, heart fluttering, had dry mouth, etc. I was told to go to the hospital but i felt better enough to walk (with escorts) so I didn t go. I went to urgent care and they wouldn t treat me. I don t have insurance so I m not sure if I am able to see a cardiologist without it. However, should I go to the hospital to get checked out or see a cardiologist specifically (I m feeling better today, just when I woke up I was still dizzy and the room was swaying, a little better now)