Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern.
Head injury followed by
dizziness, nausea can be due to some underlying cause like fracture of
temporal bone, some blood clot. It can be suspected more if symptoms are present since head injury and no relief in between, there is no other cause.
You can observe other alarming signs also
: vomiting
: loss of consciousness
: bleed through nose/ear/throat
: persistent headache
: seizures
: onset of new focal deficit
Also look for any other symptom you are having which is not related to head injury like fever,
abdominal pain, earache or discharge. If they are present, cause can be something else. You have to
consult doctor to find out exact cause.
For relief at home, you can follow few tips
: Take rest
: keep yourself fully hydrated
: eat properly
: in case of vomiting, turn head on side.
: you may take beta-histidine or cinnerzine tab for relief after proper prescription
I think it will help you.
Thanks. Take care.