I am 28 yrs old man, I don t know is this serious or not but I feel my heart is not having proper rhythm even I don t feel sick at all. But I noticed when I inhale I have slightly faster beats and when I exhale they are slightly slower. But what is scaring me is that my first beat when I exhale is a bit stronger and I have like short pause or a skip beat and then my hearth beats normal. Need to mention this is every time present in my inhale/exhale cycle. Sometimes that first beat is less or more noticable depends how deep breath I took. Deeper breath gives me a bit longer pause for that first beat while I exhale. I have to say this is only when I m not doing anything, like when I m resting, but when I exercise i can t notice that at all maybe because heart is beating faster so I can t hear the difference. I really feel physically fine and I don t have any blackouts, dizziness, chest pain, short breath at all. Sometimes when I push myself at the gym of course I feel bit a short breath but I think is normal and I do work lot of strenght and endurance workouts. At the time I just do some light workouts because I m scared and don t want to push my body and I will go to doctor to check is everything ok, but I want to ask you also, do you feel I have some hearth related issue, should I be concerned that much?