Thanks for posting your query in HCM,
I have read though your query and I can understand your concern.
Dizziness when turning to one particular side is usually caused due to vertigo medically termed as Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It may result due to any
common cold, infections involving the inner ear. It usually lasts for few minutes. They may have associated symptoms like
hearing loss, ringing in the ears, fullness in the ears, imbalance.
Other causes can be due to
central nervous system which may be caused by
high blood pressure.
If he does not have the above mentioned symptoms then I would suggest its better to consult a doctor in your area for further investigation and management.
Otherwise, it would best to consult with an
ENT specialist to confirm if its BPPV and to do a manouver that will give him a better relief. You are also required to take the anti- vertigo medications you will be prescribed with.
Hope I was able to answer to your query.
Kindly revert back for any further query.