I am trying to figure out the best times for my Mom to take her medications. Most of them make her dizzy, so I tried to space them out with 1/2 otc meclizine to help with the dizziness. Her blood work came back good, it only showed a little bit of a higher cholestrol than normal, so the doctor is putting her on a drug for that. I try to have her take her pills three times a day, but with the new cholestrol med I think we have to go with four times a day. Here is the list, can you help me figure out what times she should take what? Also, when should I incorporate the meclizine? 2000 mg otc Vitamin D 20 mg of Simvastatin - supposed to be taken with dinner 50 mg otc Citrucel 25 mg Chlorthalidone 100 mg Losartan 81 mg Aspirin 10 mg Donepezil - supposed to be taken after dinner Thank you! Michelle