Hi, iwent to doctor today and also last month, I have high blood press. take lisinipril/hctz 12.5. I havevery low sodium, and vitamin d is very low. doc. put me on atenolol today no water pill. but last month they raised my hctz to 25 mg. I am very dehydrated all the time so I did not take the higher dose of hctz. I have very nauseated for about a month lost some weight and evertime I eat I have to throw up. I am very dizzy all the time even when laying down, losing my balance a lot, have headaches daily. get severe hot flushes , can not tolerate the heat this summer. stay inside most of the time. I have astma use inhaler, my thyroid was removed 2 years ago I take synthroid, I looked up atenonol says if have astma or thyroid problem you should not take atenolol . I also have bi-polar it says it can cause mental changes. should I be taking atenol , she told meto take zantac for stomach issues but I know there is something wrong with me I sometimes so sick I have problems getting out of bed. some of my meds. cause nausea , dizziness, difficulty breathing fatigue. but I have not had a med change for years except the atenol today. please help I am disabled I can not afford to go to the doctor all the time. so far visits in june and july have not helped. I have medicare a&B but that s all. help please.