Thank you for your query?
Would you please clarify a few things ?
1) Was the blood mixed with your urine or separate from it (was it discernible as blood or was it homogenously mixed with urine)?How much blood was it (about a teaspoon , for instance)
2)When did you attain menopause?
3) are you a diabetic, hypertensive or have any history of heart disease?
4) any history of
autoimmune disease or cancer in the the family?
5) any prior surgeries?
6) are you allergic to any food? Have you has any vigorous physical activity before the incident?
Any bleeding, however small should be investigated if you cant see or know the reason behind it.
Vaginal bleeding and its causes have to be excluded (moot point if you have had a total
Rectal bleeding should be ruled out too
Blood in the urine could be due to stones( usually symptomatic but may be asymptomatic as well), infection, and host of other things which I dont want to burden you with unnecessarily.
I would recommend seeing your physician first to narrow down the possible sources of the bleed. They will be able to guide you as to which specialist you might need to see based on their findings.
If you have a large amount of blood loss more that half a cup (50ml or so), visit the ER even if you do not have any other symptom. Dont go alone and do not drive.
Hope this helps. I wish you good health and feel free to get back to us if you need further clarification