Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. without being able to examine directly, I'm of the following opinion:
- See an
Oral Hygiene Doctor [Dentist] to exclude secondary conditions like:
. dry mouth.
fungal infection of the mouth [oral thrush]
. possible nutritional deficiencies: iron, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 [pyridoxine]
. ill-fitting denture or
food allergy.
. reflux disease [GERD]
. psychological like anxiety/depression/stress
. any medical condition like diabetes, hypothyroidism
2. Your doctor after reviewing your medical history and examining your mouth will let you know about good oral habits and oral care routine since treatment will depend upon the particular symptoms and will be aimed at controlling them
PS. One might have to take an Opinion of a
Neurologist to exclude Sjogren syndrome, till then
i. Avoid caffeine/alcohol, carbonated drinks[which causes dehydration], prefer soup and watermelon/cucumber, pineapple [frozen chunks are best, as these are water-based fruits/vegetables]
ii. keep the mouth moist [portable water bottle/chewing gum], drink only sugar-free fluids [avoid sipping slowly], avoid
mouth breathing, chew as much as you can since it stimulates SALIVA [later rinse/ gargle with saline water]
iii. make sure to add moisture to room air [keep a room humidifier]