Noted your history of dry scaly rash on face not amenable to any lotions, lump in left armpit, vomiting and
Well, all the symptoms looks different and unrelated.
The rash on face needs a consultation of a
Dermatologist for proper diagnosis and management as per the cause found.
The lump in the armpit can be due to lymph node or sebaceous cyst.
Needs an
ultrasound and FNAC if required.
A course of an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicines.
Vomiting can be secondary to dizziness that is vertigo and needs proper clinical evaluation, examination and CT scan or MRI as indicated of the brain and mastoids. The symptomatic treatment with
Domperidone and
Cinnarizine can help a lot. Further specific management as per the cause found should helps you in all three symptoms.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T. Chandrakant, General Surgeon