Hello. I m a 20 year old male. I m 170 lbs. For the last three years since high school, I have been suffering from a laundry list of symptoms: Dry mouth and throat, feeling of inhaling my mucus/saliva and inhaling food when I eat, continually clearing my throat and coughing, I have a terrible blanket of fatigue that doesn t go away no matter how much sleep I get, dull chest pains in the morning that go away after a few hours, build up of mucus in the morning that I have to hack out daily, no exception whatsoever, and nasal stuffiness. My symptoms actually match all of the symptoms I ve read of laryngopharyngeal reflux perfectly, yet the pH test I had done 6 months ago showed normal results. By the way, I was bulimic for three years in high school, and smoked cigarettes and marijuana in high school on a recreational basis. What can this be, if not reflux? Sinuses appear normal in x-rays, and so does my chest x-ray.