I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain as you have a history of medication induced
dry mouth along with
acid reflux.
Well, dry mouth is a potent cause for bad taste or smell in mouth as reduced saliva flow can lead to decreased clearing or flushing out of debris from the debris while there is also increased bacterial and fungal overgrowth in mouth..
Acid reflux can also be a cause as if the acid refluxes from stomach and reaches till mouth then it can be a cause for bad taste and sudden bad taste can be due to a bout of acid reflux in mouth..
I would suggest you to start taking treatment for acid reflux that involves medication like:
Proton Pump Inhibitors like
Omeprazole or
Take antacids like
Milk of magnesia..
Avoid spicy food and drink plenty of water..
Always take walk after meals and take your dinner atleast 2 hours before sleep..
You should sleep with head slightly raised as compared to feet..
For dry mouth chew sugar free chewing gums, instil artificial saliva drops, gargle with specialized mouthwash formulated for dry mouth patients like Biotene and maintain a good
oral hygiene..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..