Common causes of flaking, peeling penis skin;
masturbation or sex is a leading cause of peeling, stressed skin. Using a personal lubricant (one designed for the purpose) can reduce the occurrence of dryness and irritation of the penis.
Yeast infection
. Candida
yeast infections, also known as thrush, are one of the most common causes of peeling, itchy penis skin. Other symptoms of yeast infection include red bumps or sores, a burning sensation during urination,
severe itching, and a whitish, lumpy discharge. Most yeast infections can be treated with topical anti-fungal creams. Although not considered a sexually transmitted infection, Candida is highly contagious and can easily be passed from one partner to another, so men who develop a yeast infection should encourage their partners to be treated, as well.
This condition refers to any inflammation of the glans - or head - of the penis. The inflammation may be related to yeast infection or poor hygiene. Keeping the area clean is essential, especially for men who are uncircumcised, and topical creams may be used to treat the pain, itching and flaking caused by the infection.
Men or boys who are unable to retract the foreskin may be diagnosed with phimosis. The tight foreskin may develop a dry appearance, especially if it is stretched during an erection or as a result of masturbation or sex. Phimosis can often be treated by gently pulling the foreskin back a little at a time; applying a high-quality moisturizer can be of assistance in this process. In some cases, doctors may recommend
circumcision as the best solution.
Sexually transmitted infections. Certain communicable diseases can cause dry penis skin that flakes and peels. Men who are sexually active should be tested for STIs on a regular basis and follow through with any recommended treatment.
A skin sensitivity to something in a man's environment - from laundry detergent to fragrances to latex condoms or spermicides - can cause the skin to become irritated, itchy, and dry. Avoiding potential skin irritants can eliminate this problem, and using a soothing vitamin cream when irritation does occur can help to clear up any issues.
Psoriasis or eczema.
Men who have psoriasis or eczema elsewhere on their bodies may also develop dry, scaly or red patches of skin on the penis. Vitamins A and E are often used as natural solutions for these issues;
hydrocortisone creams are also frequently prescribed, but caution is advised in this case, as steroid creams can cause thinning of the delicate penile skin.
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