I have recently undergone several tests including an EP study. Everything checks out good. I have atrial tachycardia, but also episodes of bradycardia. When I have those brady episodes, I will have clusters of 5-6 fast beats with an overall HR of 38. I have seen three doctors, two of which are cardiologists, one specialist electrophysiologist. All say the same thing...they think I am fine b/c all my tests are coming back good, I am not passing out, and I run marathons. Although the running has really decreased in the last four months while running these tests and I can now get a few miles in only. Today I have gotten real dizzy and it has stayed that way for about 90 minutes. I ve never gotten dizzy before which is something else the doctors have been intrigued by. My BP has steady dropped. It s normally around 115/75. HR of 54. During this dizzy spell I m very nauseated and have a dull headache. BP right now is 95/52 and my HR is 84. Could this all be connected? Any thoughts?