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I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns.
Probable diagnosis:
Serous otitis (
ear infection) secondary to pharyngitis
Probable cause : bacterial/viral infection
Plan of treatment : Conservative with antibiotics,analgesics,decongestants
Outcome : Excellent
As per your description it seems that you have bacterial/viral infection in your throat(pharyngitis) which in turn cause irritation and pain in your ear(middle ear and throat are connected each other by "Eustachian tube" ).
If I were your treating physician I would do an otoscopy (visual inspection your ear) to rule out perforation of ear drum, impacted wax etc.
As a first line therapy we would start a short course of antibiotics like
amoxicillin for five to seven days.
You can also take simple analgesics like ibuprofen or
paracetamol for pain and discomfort,antihistamine like cetrezine would provide some symptomatic relief.,
Do warm saline gargles and and use nasal decongestants.
If symptom persist despite all these consult an
ENT specialist and get a CT scan done to rule out middle ear diseases.
Hope this information helps.
Wishing you good health.
Dr Shinas Hussain