hello concerned patient,thanks for writing to HCM
I read your query and understand it is regarding elevated RDW values
let me put it in simple terms,
Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a parameter that measures variation in red blood cell size or red blood cell volume.
Also the elevation in RDW is moderate in your case and in most cases elevated RDW are not a cause of worry and can be normalised easily
So relax.
I have seen that you had
HELLP syndrome,but it would have been helpful if you gave the following details:
whether you have any other medical or surgical or drug history?
whether you excess bleeding immediately after or during the delivery time?
values of blood work up and liver function test?
Elevated RDW helps provide a clue for a diagnosis of early
nutritional deficiency such as iron, folate, or vitamin B12 deficency as it becomes elevated
Values of blood work like hemoglobin values,and other parameters like MCV(
mean corpuscular volume)would be needed to make the diagnosis whether it is anemia and if so whether it is
iron deficiency anemia or vit b12 or folate deficiency(megaloblastic type)
If possible try to get back with this details
In either case,there is no reason for worry.
if i were treating you for iron deficiency anemia,i would suggest:
ferrous sulfate tablet of 325 mg (65 mg of elemental iron) orally three times a day, lower doses (eg, 15-20 mg of elemental iron daily) may be as effective and cause fewer side effects. To promote absorption, you should also avoid tea and coffee and may take vitamin C (500 units) with the iron tablet
In case you are intolerant to oral iron,parenteral iron therapy is needed.
Severe anemia would need
blood transfusion,but i dont think you have that
If its
megaloblastic anemia that you have,mostly it can be cured by a healthy diet rich in green leafy vegetables like spinach,lettuce ,other foods like mushrooms,jaggery,banana,liver etc etc
i would advise ,Oral or injection of folate and/or cobalamin,if they are deficient and cant be corrected by diet alone as above
i have given sufficient detail to alleviate you concern
Hope i have clarified and hope it helps.
Good day and followup for further advise