Hi, I am 25 years old I have been very active since I was a young boy. I started working out in the gym at 16 years old and I have been committed to it ever since. Recently over the last year or so I have been noticing that after my work outs my hear rates stays accelerated for 2-4 hours after my work has been completed. Also, at times it feels like I forget to breath. I don t really feel short of breath, but I find that when I take deep breaths my heart rate slows down. I try to drink lots of water and I think personally I am dehydrated after a work out and thats why my heart it pumping so fast. Also what makes me believe that is when I drink water my heart does slow down. However, when I go to bed and try to sleep it feels like my heart begins to accelerate again. But when I wake in the morning the feeling is gone and I have no symptoms. I am a nervous guy and I thought maybe its small panic attacks, but I am not completely sure. I feel real healthy I can run long distances, I have great stamina, I eat a proper diet... could get more veggies. I just want to make sure that I am not developing any serious heart concerns at my age. I went for a physical about two years ago and the doctor said I am in good health. My pulse is 50 at rest and my blood pressure reads optimal I cant remember the numbers, but I know they are very good for my age according to the charts.