Thanks for posting on HCM
Elevated heart rate/
palpitation and discomfort in chest could be caused by many medical pathologies.Possible causes may include:
-Heart problems/hypertensive heart diseases
-Respiratory pathologies
-Strong emotional responses
-Strenuous exercise
-Hormone changes like
hyperthyroidism and Hormone changes associated with
menstruation, pregnancy or menopause
-Imbalance of electrolytes
-And others
I will suggest you see the Doctor for evaluation and investigations.You will need to have you BP checked as well.Tests that may help identify the cause of your symptoms may include: chest x ray, ECG,
Echocardiogram, serum electrolytes, full blood count and others depending on the diagnostic orientation of the Doctor.Your treatment will depend on the identified underlying cause.In the meantime, i will advise the following:
*Exercise and eat a healthy diet
*Maintain a healthy weight
*Keep blood pressure and
cholesterol levels under control
*Avoid smoking
*Drink in moderation
*Don't use recreational drugs like cocaine
*Limit caffeine
*Reduce stress or anxiety
Hope this will help you
Wish you good health