What causes elevated liver enzymes ? My liver enzymes came back elevated Ast 78 alt 137 .. I delivered twins April 16,2016 at 22 weeks preterm labor ,unfortunately they both passed, I was on antibiotics for 2 months for UTI s that didn t go away and Tylenol for massive headaches for most of my pregnancy ...My family Dr tested full blood count , hepatitis everything came back negative ,, we know it s coming from the liver..I stopped taking all medication I take tramadol for headaches but I stopped and she retested and my levels got lowered they were at Alt 193 and Ast 87 ..Dr wants to retest in 1 more week .. I was scheduled for plastic surgery but my anesthesiologist won t perform surgery with my levels this high,, we know it s from medication taken in the past..What is best way to lower and how long does it take to get them lower?