I need help. My fiance has has high prolactin levels for 2.5 years now. Her overall health has been greatly effected over the last 4-5 weeks. Her breasts lactate, she does have migraines every day, right in the frontal lobe. She vomits when she gets these as well. She sweats excessively when she does sleep, because she has had a harder than normal time sleeping lately. Her body is extremely fatigued, making it nearly impossible for her to go to work, school, or even walk more than a few minutes at a time. 2 MRI s and a ct-scan have came back negative for a prolactinoma. Pain meds and meds to help with nausea is the only treatment she has gotten so far. A neurologist has referred her to an endocrinologist, which is who I am hoping to contact through here. I am so desperate for answers to help her. She suffers every day and it is hard seeing her like this. She has nightmares every night that keep her from falling back asleep. She has also tried 2 different medications to try and decrease her prolactin levels and both did not make even the slightest difference. She has had a period 1 time in 2 years and is terrified of become unable to have children. I personally believe that there is a prolactinoma because the symptoms seem to add up. I am curious to see if there is a prolactinoma in the tissue in her head, and that might be the reason for it not showing in the MRI. It is rare I understand, but nothing is helping so it has become my only thought about this. What else can we do?