Hi doctor, My son was born last January, 11th, after the forth day, we found that he has jaundice, we thought it is physiological, as Bilirubin was 2.5 (Direct) and 9 (Indirect) and he received photo-therapy for 3 nights, but afterwards we found that direct bilirubin became higher (~12.0) and indirect lowers (~4.0), he is diagnosed as Neonatal Hepatitis, mostly all his analyses OK (TORSCH only has 35 in Rubella IgG) and SGOT and SGPT slightly high than references. After taking medications (Multivitamins ABIDEC) and Ursogall syrup for 2 months, direct bilirubin lowers to 6 and indirect still to 4, after 2 weeks, direct bilirubin again became 15 and indirect is still 4. Plz. thankfully advise!