Hi, Ny daughter Paige is now 4, and has had a massive splenomegaly since birth that doctors, paediatricins cannot find a cause for. She had a chronic cough for 3 years, and mucous poos which a natural therapist has succesfullt treated as leaky bowel . She has recently had chronic bleeding nose and her cuts and sores are healing slowly and looking inflamed. her spleen is 21cm and she has occasional hepatomegaly. She has been tested for everything including parasitic involvement. All her siblings are healthy. serology shows that she has had both CMV and Epstein-barr, but the haemotologist says that it is definately not the cause of the biggest spleen he has seen . Ultrasounds show an engorged spleen with no fibroid tissue and no portal flow froblems. She has always had pancytopenia, but lately her white cells have been much lower than usual. She has no autoimmune disorders, thalassemia, TB, Kala azar, or any of the thousand things tested for. She needs help. Thankyou for your time